Dafoe, Dafoe and More Dafoe

With about a 100 movies coming out (okay that's a slight exaggeration) Willem Dafoe is hitting the press circuit and giving some information about John Carter of Mars.

First up is a brief comment he made to Roger Ebert-http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091018/PEOPLE/910189995 Ebert asks if the already announced PG-13 rating will affect the film. Dafoe says no and that he's looking forward to working with Andrew Stanton again.

Next up is from Aint It Cool News-http://www.aintitcool.com/node/42770 He confirms Tars Tarkas will apparently be around 9 feet tall and is that "Thark school" will be soon in session.

Finally he endures this interview with MTV-http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2009/10/20/willem-dafoe-says-john-carter-of-mars-will-have-political-undertones/ According to them, the film is some sort of political drama, even though Dafoe flat out says it's not. It's also apparent the interviewer has never read the novels and even assumes that the books stand for the plight of Native Americans (sure and Lord of the Rings is about short people's problems.)


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